Our Ministries for Children

We believe that although God has entrusted children into our care, they still belong to Him and we take the responsibility of training them very earnestly before God. In our dedication to building that kingdom, we put high priority on providing a variety of programs specially developed for children. 

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”

– Luke 18:16, NKJV

King’s Kids

King’s Kids (Children’s’ Church) is on Sunday mornings during Victorious Life Church (VLC) regular service time.  Our King’s Kids program provides children with all the essential elements of “big church” but with an up-tempo, exciting, kid-friendly presentation. Our children are given a Biblical foundation and taught to worship, give, pray, and serve by our King’s Kids ministry team in a way that they can understand and see as fun. Video, puppets, skits, object lessons, games, music, and participation are used to bring a well-rounded experience to this essential segment of our church family. Let your kids experience the adventure of living for Jesus! Why is having a quality children’s program so important to us?

MPACT Girls Club

MPACT Girlsis where girls build relationships with God and others.  Club meetings and teaching sessions are held while adult Bible Study services are happening on Wednesday night.  Teaching and caring for our children is a value we hold dear at VLC. Part of the expression of that value is in our belief in age-appropriate Biblical instruction for our children. For our girls, we offer Mpact Girls’ Clubs exciting curriculum with several different levels for kindergarten through fifth-grade girls. To learn more, click here.

Royal Ranger Boys

Royal Ranger is part of a time-honored boys program from the Assemblies of God (AG). We want to see our young men grow up with a firm foundation on God’s Word and knowledge of the truth, and are willing to put forth our time and effort to see that happen at VLC!  Our current boys activity-based program at VLC focuses on ages 5-12 (but the program can extend through the 12th grade for those that wish it), and takes place on while adult Bible Study services are happening on Wednesday night. To learn more, click here.